Tuesday, August 7, 2007

And So We Wait...

August 7, 2007. I feel like I have been waiting forever today. I don't know how I will make it through this next coming year. We know we are the next family for referral, so it should be any day now. I got a call about twins yesterday. They were both girls and while we were open for twins, we really wanted a boy. I felt guilty passing, but someone is going to be so happy and twice blessed! I have been checking my email like a psycho and I swear I can hear every minute tick off in my head.


Gail said...

Your boy will come. He will be just the one for you.

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you how strange it was when I read your blog! I am a single woman on the kansas/missouri state line, with almost an identical timeline from day one.. I am waiting for a little girl, and got a call last week for twin boys that I had to turn down (I have a bio boy, and really want a girl).. Hopefully my referral is right behind yours! I am next for a girl, and feeling just as pyscho checking email and phone. Congrats on your boy - he is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the above comment was from me - I didn't leave my name..
