Friday, September 21, 2007

More Weird Events..

September 21,2007. Well, here I am one week later trying to regroup and ready to schedule my next visit trip. Can you get over how adorable he is? I laugh out loud everytime I see his little face, the personality will just kill ya. So I have more weird events to consider on my trip to fate. Nicky had this cute little outfit with Duckies when he came to visit Saturday. I recognized this outfit, it was the first I purchased from Once Upon a Child, the second hand store. I assumed at the time Chris had given this to the foster mom the previous night when we sent her home loaded with stuff. When I returned this week I went into his closest to see what I had remaining and if I thought it would fit. I couldn't believe, there was that outfit hanging there! The foster mom had the same exact outfit on him that I had purchased! Above is Nicky sleeping in his ducky outfit with his Mayan hat mommy bought him. So fashionable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I'm so happy your trip was wonderful!!!! and you got some really great pics of him. He is just adorable. I can wait till we get both our sons home and they can play together.
