Friday, December 21, 2007

PA Today!

December 21, 2007. Don't things just happen when you least expect them? I opened my phone email today to discover we had PA (pre-approval). My computer crashed 2 days ago and I have been out of commission. I am still not sure if I have lost all my documents or not. Geek Squad to the rescue! I am using my laptop but I am having a hard time typing with it. It makes it almost impossible to do anything. Tony was sooo excited to hear we had PA. Merry Christmas to all and thanks for all the support everyone has lent.


Unknown said...



Unknown said...



Gail said...

What a great Christmas gift. Hope you are in PGN as soon as they open up next year.

Aileen said...

Congrats on your PA and thanks for posting it to the yahoo group so that those of us waiting could have some hope! (We're a 11/13 arrival the USE, so I hope we aren't far behind!)
Ariana's Mommy

Anonymous said...

Kelly this is wonderful news!!!!! We got ours Saturday!!!! Looks like we will be in PGN together and hopefully picking up around the same time!!!!!


Frances said...

Congratulations! This is a huge hurdle! Hope you are submitted to PGN quickly and that your stay is short! Happy holidays!